KARE Report
Trauma & Resilience

 KARE Report
Trauma and Resilience


Trauma and Resilience

KARE has conducted an extensive study on how trauma affects today's careforce. The findings of this study will be released as a 3-part series.

Please submit the form to download all three reports in the "Trauma and Resilience" series.

The careforce that dedicates their lives to seniors reports a higher number of average adverse events compared to the general population, and even the larger health care professional community. As Trauma-Informed Care and Cultural Competency are incorporated into your practices, it is vitally important that the same compassion and outreach is extended to the careforce. It is likely that members of your careforce are resilient survivors of trauma, and as part of the strong post-acute care community, everyone has a duty to recognize and address this impact of trauma and the potential for resilience. 

This 3-part series, will help you better understand:

  • How Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) of the post-acute careforce compare to the general population. 
  • The impact of ACEs and the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical and mental health of frontline staff.  
  • Which factors of toxic stress, ACEs, and social determinants of health have the greatest impact on workplace wellbeing. 
  • The current state of the workforce’s social determinants of health. 

Sign up to download all three parts.

Sign up to download all three parts of the report.

Recently, KARE conducted a comprehensive study involving more than 1,300 caregivers and communities. We have compiled the findings and transformed them into an easily accessible and downloadable PDF. This insightful document encompasses a range of valuable information, including:

  • What benefits frontline caregivers find are most impactful.
  • The biggest divergence between what management thinks is important to a frontline caregiver and what actually is highly valued by the care force.
  • Recommendations for where leadership will see the most value and engagement from their workforce as they continue to build appealing traditional and non-traditional benefits programs.

Download this paper today to see the results!


Trauma and Resilience

KARE has conducted an extensive study on how trauma affects today's careforce. The findings of this study will be released as a 3-part series.

Please submit the form to download parts one and two.

The careforce that dedicates their lives to seniors reports a higher number of average adverse events compared to the general population, and even the larger health care professional community. As Trauma-Informed Care and Cultural Competency are incorporated into your practices, it is vitally important that the same compassion and outreach is extended to the careforce. It is likely that members of your careforce are resilient survivors of trauma, and as part of the strong post-acute care community, everyone has a duty to recognize and address this impact of trauma and the potential for resilience. 

This 3-part series, will help you better understand:

  • How Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) of the post-acute careforce compare to the general population.
  • The impact of ACEs and the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical and mental health of frontline staff.  
  • Which factors of toxic stress, ACEs, and social determinants of health have the greatest impact on workplace wellbeing. 
    The current state of the workforce’s social determinants of health. 

Sign up to download parts one and two.